Why did God choose Mary above all the other young virgin girls? Through her journal, readers can join her on her journey through faith, and experience the doubt, frustration and excitement that we all experience as we develop our faith. In the beginning, we can only assume that God looked at Mary’s heart and also saw something special in her faith:
“Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.”
God had given Mary a direct request. As a young teenager, she did not say, “Wait a minute. I’m not quite ready. I’m too young. I need more time.” Her simple answer is a lesson for all:
“All I could say was, ‘Behold, the bond slave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.’”
Mary’s faith allowed her to readily accept the Lord’s wish, but did she ever question her eagerness to accept this invitation to serve her Lord, and like so many of us, did she ever have doubts?
“Why was I so willing when the angel appeared to me? I should have asked more questions, but my mind was racing so fast I didn’t have time to think.”
“My dear God, how can I do this? Why me? I love you with all my heart, but I am still afraid. Never in my wildest dreams, did I expect to be blessed like this. Though I am having mixed feelings about calling it blessed.”
Things didn’t happen quite like Mary thought they would. Joseph struggled in the beginning, and God did not make things easy for her. But through the trying times, Mary knew her faith would help her overcome any problems she might encounter:
“I should be afraid, but when I think of the events that brought me to this point, my fears disappear. If God trusted me enough to carry His son, I am confident He will show me where to go and will take care of me wherever that path may lead.”
For 30 years, Mary watched her precious baby grow into the man God said he would. While constantly anticipating that throne of David that God had promised, did Mary’s faith dwindle? Mary’s final prayer before Jesus prepares to join John tells it all:
“Dear God, give me the wisdom I need to know what I must do. Although he is yours, he is also mine. Please don’t forget I have had him for 30 years. To give him up will cause me much pain. Help me accept and do what you are requiring of me. Your humble servant I will strive to remain.”
Join Mary on her magnificent journey through the first 30 years of Jesus' life through Jesus My Son: Mary's Journal of Jesus' Early Life, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.