Welcome to the blog for my new book, Jesus My Son: Mary's Journal of Jesus' Early Life. This is my first blogging attempt, so if any of you veterans can offer any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.
I have been working on this book for many years. Last year about this time, I enrolled in the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference eager to meet with a publisher to pitch my story. Due to a glich (really, it was all in God's hands) in the registration process, my appoitment with a publisher fell through and, at the last minute, I was assigned to Virginia Smith.
God does work in very mysterious ways. I had never heard of Virginia Smith, but was pleasantly surprised when I met her and realized she lives only 5 miles from my house.
To make a long story short, I hired Ginny as my editor. She not only became my editor, but she also became my friend. She introduced me to a group of wonderful writers who call themselves the Kentucky Christian Writers Group.
If God had not directed me to "Ginny" last year, I don't think my book would be published today. With her help and guidance, I have a published book that I am very proud to show people and say, "Look what God helped me do."
I am anxious to attend the conference again this year and hear Ginny as the keynote speaker. My prayer is for all current or wanna-be writers to seriously consider attending this conference where you will be uplifted and encouraged by the awe-inspiring devotions, workshops, and appointments.
Since starting this project, I have learned that if you let God have His way and patiently wait for His time, He will bless you far more than you ever thought possible.